Val McDermid
Tuesday 7th May 2024
St Mark's Church, St Mary's Place, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9UY

Val McDermid on Queen Macbeth
The Queen of Crime returns with an historical thriller that finally brings justice to one of Scotland's most notorious and maligned figures, offering a new side to the Shakespearean tale we all know. We cannot wait to welcome Val McDermid this spring as she weaves Queen Macbeth an eye-opening new story.
A thousand years ago in an ancient Scottish landscape, a woman is on the run with her three bosom companions - a healer, a weaver and a seer. If the men hunting her find them, they will kill her because she is the only one who stands between them and their violent ambition. She is no lady: she is the first queen of Scotland, married to a king called Macbeth.
Shakespeare fed us the myth of the Macbeths as power-hungry murderous conspirators. But now Val McDermid drags the truth out of the shadows, exposing the patriarchal prejudices of history.