Ecopoetics: on Ecology & Apocalypse
Friday 8th September 2023
Topping & Company Booksellers of Bath, York Street, Bath, Somerset BA1 1NG

A smorgasbord of eco-poetry published by Nine Arches Press.
The planet is in crisis, climate anxiety looms large, and zero-waste grocery shopping and a vegan diet feel like mere drops in the ocean. Poetry isn't the sole antidote, but it is a powerful site of protest and collective imagining. Join us as a trio of poets and thinkers shepherd us through radical new futures and offer insightful and botanical examinations of humanity and migration.
Rishi Dastidar's Neptune's Projects is a post-apocalyptic jig for the climate crisis era which gives bold consideration to the stark choices we face.
L Kiew's More Than Weeds explores the language of migration, drawing deeply on botanical and natural detail in a study of borders & belonging, place & people.
Caleb Parkin's This Fruiting Body sparks with neon visuals, engaged in the joyful, urgent, imagining of alternative realities and new futures.